Dads and Moms Blogs (XC)

As every week when arriving on Tuesday we offer you a review of the most interesting that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

I start with a wonderful blog full of educational resources and also full of tenderness, which tells us about Isabelle and her two children educated at home: Homeschool sweet homeschool.

It has been very exciting to read the birth of Gael related by his mother in the blog Baby, one of those deliveries that make us understand those women who demand to be able to decide on their body and be respected by the professionals who attend them. Beautiful.

Giving birth made me feel POWERFUL, WILD. I have felt capable. I think this birth has partly given me back the confidence that I didn't have for how everything turned out in Alejandro's birth. It has been a birth not only natural, but respected, both people and the same process. Without anesthesia, without external substances to accelerate the process (oxytocids), without instrumentation, without scars.

I've looked delighted, too, in a blog called The Clueca Hen, which tells us about motherhood, rich recipes such as panellets, patterns, as one for a beautiful warm coat and much more. I especially recommend the city of felt, which explains how to make a tapestry of this material for children to play in it.

I also leave the Volcano Etna blog, Sowing Stars, in which he shows us his visit to the City of Arts and Sciences and his son, learning many things at home.

I have found the strength of a working mother who tells us her pleasures and difficulties in At 5:50, in which I recommend the post in which he talks about how heavy people get when he thinks about the name we choose for our baby.

In Looking for youI liked it a lot as the author tells us that she is growing up and faces things she does not like about herself and how she is aware that giving and giving, without taking care of oneself, can be a mistake. With pregnancy advancing these thoughts are usual, we all rethink it, but they can also be painful.

I have also visited The best gift you can give your child is a happy childhood where I enjoyed discovering some very interesting links with recommendations such as stories in English and many others that tell us about the latest news about breastfeeding.

Mom cow, a great blog focused on conscious motherhood, explains the ancient celebrations and current rites that correspond to Halloween.

In Continuum Matter They also talk to us about Halloween, but I especially liked a post that introduces us to those first autumn viruses.

And I finish with Maria, the author of Re-educating Mom, which tells us how the presentation in Zurich of our book "A new motherhood" has been.

And with this we finish. Next week we will bring you a new review of the dads and moms blogs, they have so much to offer us.

Video: Meet the Super Mom With 16 Kids (May 2024).