Women's thinness makes conception difficult

Compared even with those who are overweight, very thin women would be less likely to get pregnant, according to a study conducted in the United States with women undergoing in vitro fertilization.

On some occasion we have talked about how obesity makes conception difficult, both in assisted reproduction processes and in natural ones. Now, moving to the other extreme, a study confirms that women who are too thin are even less likely to get pregnant than obese women.

Fertility researcher and specialist Richard Sherbahn, of the Advanced Fertility Center in Chicago, conducted an investigation with 2,500 in vitro fertilizations for eight years to reach those conclusions, and presented his findings to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Medicine, ASRM).

The patients were divided into groups: thin, normal (by weight) and obese. The normal ones had a pregnancy rate of 50%, the obese 45% and the thin 34%, even below the thick ones.

According to the researchers, very thin women has a low estrogen level, making pregnancy more difficult, because ovulation does not happen correctly. However, during in vitro fertilization, all women receive the appropriate hormone treatment, which means that each woman manages to ovulate to similar degrees. So the problem must occur in some process after this time.

One of the possible explanations for the scientist, is that everything is part of the evolutionary process and the researcher points out that probably if the person is very thin, it means that he has not eaten enough, and therefore for his organism it is not a good Time to have a child.

Previous studies, not focused on assisted reproduction processes, indicate that a certain amount of body fat is necessary (Some experts speak of approximately 22% of the total weight) so that the hormones involved in reproduction work and that women who, in their obsession with losing weight, lose too much adipose tissue risk their fertility, in addition to other aspects of Health.

In short, neither too thick nor too thin, the ideal is to control the weight according to height and maintain healthy lifestyle habits to have a healthy body and improve the chances of achieving pregnancy.