When and where we have sex parents: parents tell us their favorite moments and places

Although sometimes it seems to us that it is easier to find a unicorn than to have sex when, in addition, we have children, the truth is that we parents do it (seriously). But… when and where do parents have sex? A few fathers and mothers tell us their favorite time of day (or the time they can) for sex, and where they usually do it.

We get up early, we prepare the kids for school, we take them, we work all day, we pick them up, we have a snack, we play, we take out of school, we make the purchase, we tidy up and clean the house, we prepare dinner, bathrooms, teeth, they We lay down (and hopefully fall asleep), pick up the kitchen and prepare what was left pending for the next day or that management that cannot wait.

When we sit down it is a thousand and we are exhausted. And on weekends the pace is not much more relaxed. So, between so much activity, so much occupation, so much fatigue and so much, when do parents have sex?

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At what time of day do parents have sex?

A few fathers and mothers have told us their favorite moment ... or the moment in which they can do it now that they are parents, surely you feel identified with one of them:

Mario, 40 years. 2 sons. I've always liked and craved more in the morning, but since I have children, the option of doing it at night is that I do not even think about it, because I totally arrive KO, although if my partner and I have managed to leave ... well look, the desire comes. We take advantage when children are with grandparents, or at lunchtime before going to school for them.

Sara, 36 years old. Oppositor 3 sons. I prefer at night because they are all groovy, and already set to choose, At dawn, this surprise makes me coolI like it and it puts me a lot. Sometimes my husband comes home after taking the children to school and ... it's also a good time.

Claudia, 32 years. 2 sons. When we are alone at home it arises, and it is usually before / after eating. At night with accumulated fatigue and night visits I can not think of.

Andrea, 35 years. Businesswoman. 1 son. Before eating, it is the time when my partner and I are alone, without the child, and ...

Maria, 38 years. 2 sons. To me in the morning as I woke up my boy for that is a no like a cathedral (he already knows, hehehe). If I'm awake it's another song, that's cool, and in naps ... more. And at night it depends if the kids are more or less asleep, but many times we take the risk.

Fernando, 41 years. 1 son. In the morning before the child wakes up it is a great time, so I start the day with joy and relaxed, but these are usually a little here I catch you here I kill you because we do not have much time. On weekends, when the child falls asleep is when we take the opportunity to spend more time and do more things ...

Yolanda, 34 years old. 1 son. I just got up in the mornings when I feel the most, but I have changed jobs and schedules and now that is no longer possible ... The truth is that with children it is done how and when you can: that children fall asleep and are 9 o'clock on a Saturday, then perfect, they take a nap on Sunday, well too.

In the first hour before the children wake up or at the end of the day, when they have already fallen asleep they are the most common moments, but there are also couples who have moments without children (and take advantage of them).

When we have kids we can't always do it when we feel like it or at that moment of the day we traditionally wanted to, but that doesn't mean we can't have great sex, it's all about getting there and finding the time!

If we wait for the opportunity to appear, having children and jobs and everything, the thing is going to be difficult, I tell you. That is why I always recommend that we do not stand idly by, but that we look for the moments, that we provoke the situations. Sex is just as good when we know we are going to do it when it is spontaneous, so nothing happens to "stay" as if we were dating!

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Where do parents have sex?

Do we still prefer the bed as a place for our sexual encounters? With or without latch on the bedroom door? Let's see what our fathers and mothers tell us:

Mario, 40 years. 2 sons. The bed is the main place, although the shower too, because as the bathroom has a latch We are very calm.

Sara, 36 years old. Oppositor 3 sons. The bedroom and the living room are the places where we usually do it. No, we don't have a latch in either place.

Claudia, 32 years. 2 sons. The bedroom, the bed, let's go, is where I am most comfortable.

Andrea, 35 years. Businesswoman. 1 son. Well, the truth is that when we do it when we are alone then we get creative and we are changing: bathroom, kitchen ... to the hall!

Maria, 38 years. 2 sons. I really like the bed, but the sofa is a great option because it is on another floor (we have the bedrooms upstairs).

Virginia, 40 years. 1 daughter. The bed, and always with a latch: I am unable to do so if I know you can catch us.

Fernando, 41 years. 1 son. The living room, because we collect, so that's where we usually do it, but also in the bathroom (not in the bathtub, which is very dangerous).

Yolanda, 34 years old. 1 son. In bed, in the morning it is the easiest, because we are already there !, but when it is at night, with the sleeping children, the living room, the sofa, is where it usually is.

Whether or not I practice colecho, or our kids tend to make surprise visits in the middle of the night, as if they were ghosts of walking around the house (small scares hit when you wake up suddenly, and in the darkness, next to you in bed, you find yourself, whispering "Mamááááá" or "Papááááá", to a small being, eh?), the majority of fathers and mothers, both those surveyed for this article and those I see in consultation or in the workshops, the truth is that they usually continue to have the bed as a favorite, or at least more usual, place to have sex.

The bathroom and the living room are next on the list. What's yours?

Yes, parents have sex, and also in bed ... among other places. What is your favorite? Wherever, whenever, the important thing is to enjoy and maintain intimacy and passion as a couple, so Look for your moments, find your sites, it's better than watching TV! Good weekend!

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Photos: Pixabay.com

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