At what age and how did your children leave the pacifier? the question of the week

Every week we ask you a question that parents can answer and vote in our section Babies and more Answers. This way we share experiences and know your views and customs better. Each week we launch a new question and value the answers of the question from the previous week.

Today the question has a personal nuance, because a few days ago my little daughter of two years and almost four months has left the pacifier. We proposed to leave it to the Magi taking advantage of the motivation that they would leave a gift in return. I thought not, but he accepted the idea very well, so that night we left it next to the shoes and the next morning he was gone but instead there was a package. I no longer used it to take naps, so it was quite bearable, although she was a very "pacifier" girl.

Removing the pacifier is not always easy, in fact with my other two daughters it was not. But I wanted to ask the parents of children who have used it,

At what age and how did your children leave the pacifier?

Tell us if they were the ones who decided, if there has been any history involved, how did your little ones leave the pacifier or anything curious that you wanted to tell us about the issue, if your children used tete, of course.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: How was the return to school after Christmas? Something that is usually difficult for children, something like the children's January slope.

The most valued response has been that of diminuka, who commented to us,

Well, the truth is that very well. As we have not changed the schedules in all the parties it has risen as a normal day but having to go to school. She wanted to be with her friends but for me it is the usual laziness of "go, come, come go" to pick her up and I only take her in the morning. The truth is that it is a great sacrifice for me to take her because if it weren't for school this maternity leave would have slept more and I'm dusty. But it is worth it to see the happy face with which he goes and returns from school.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it.

Please do it in the section of Babies and more Answers and not responding to this post or on our Facebook page, but we will not be able to take them into account for next week.

Video: How To Wean Off DummiesPacifier. Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance. Real Families (May 2024).