Pregnancy is contagious: nine nurses in a maternity ward are pregnant at the same time and will give birth between April and July

There are several studies that have been conducted that ensure that pregnancy is "contagious." That is, if a woman becomes pregnant, the chances that her friends or women from her closest environment will also multiply.

And this is what has happened to nine nurses of the same maternity hospital in Maine, in the United States, that will give birth between the months of April and July. A true "baby boom" that has been viralized on social networks.

With this anecdotal image, the Maine Medical Center published two days ago on its Facebook page the "baby boom" they are living in the delivery unit of their hospital, because nine nurses, six of which work in the same shift, have become pregnant with a few months apart.

Grenier is the first one will give birth next April, followed by Rachel Stellmach, Brittney Verville, Lonnie Soucie, Amanda Spear, Samantha Giglio, Nicole Goldberg, Nicole Barnes and Holly Selby, who it is estimated to do so in July.

In Babies and more Five pregnant coworkers at a time: the story that shows that pregnancy is contagious

Some of the women will be mothers for the first time, while others are already experienced mothers. But in any case, this coincidence has united them even more and among all help and advise when they need it.

The curious photograph was taken on March 23, and has quickly gone viral. Now the nurses they hope to fly to photograph themselves in autumn with their babies in their arms, and if so, in Babies and More we will tell you!

"Contagious" pregnancies

It is logical to think that some pregnancies may coincide when we talk about women who are in the same age group. But not for this, this type of news stops surprising us and tearing us a smile.

We recently met a similar story starring five coworkers of an Ohio pediatric center, and we have also shared curious stories of best friends or sisters, who in addition to sharing pregnancy have given birth the same day.

But it can happen to parents too! Not surprisingly, last year we told you about the arrival of six babies in the world in just seven months; all of them children of a group of firefighters from the same unit.

In Babies and more, the beautiful story of two twin brothers who became first-time parents on the same day

Photos | Maine Health

Video: High-Risk Pregnancy for Mother with Triplets (May 2024).