Dads and Moms Blogs (CX)

Every Tuesday we offer you a review of the most interesting of the moms and dads blogs We usually visit online.

I will start with the dad blogsWell, this week I enjoyed and I was very excited reading them.

Yesterday I discovered Carlos Costa's blog, Gollum's Cartapacio, and I was moved by his invitation to apologize to all who criticized the form of parenting they practice. Wonderful.

Alejandro Busto is a psychologist and writes in his blog Ceibe Psychology. And he is a father, a devoted and conscious father, come on, what is said, a green dog although, as he tells us, they are not so few, only that they are hidden and encourages parents to empower themselves of their paternity and upbringing.

Of course, if we talk about parents who maintain a blog, it is mandatory for me to go to Don't mistreat me that I'm a child from my admired Elvis Canino, an activist committed to respecting minors, who people are too. Elvis addresses our inner child and encourages us to let him scream. Shocking and direct, as always.

I'm still with the moms blogs, that there are also beautiful readings on them this week.

Because my children are my treasure She tells us, disgusted, of an exhibition of supposed Art that is shown in Denia Hospital and about which I, like her, at the beginning, could not believe it either, or as she says “I cannot believe it”.

Mom without complexes He tells us about his experiences in the wonderful store The Dragon Reader in a post where he talks about books, bookstores and parents and also wonders if he is too rigid with the schedules or if he does well to try to organize them so that his son is rested.

If you are looking for creativity, I also recommend Mom kanguro and his great ideas, for example, to make homemade instruments or costumes simple and cheap. Great and great elk costume.

I also recommend a couple of new blogs from families that educate at home. In this case, these are Mexican moms who, while they live the tremor they are suffering, send them a huge hug. I found it great SUPRAchool learning, written by a mother who educates at home and who, herself, was also educated at home when she was a teenager and invites us to consider whether home schooling can be a good option if our children have learning difficulties. In Of life without school Another homeschooler mom shows us her children's experiences and the truth, they are very inspiring, for example, when she talks to us about free writing.

And of course, if we talk about homeschooling and Mexico I have to mention Lety, who holds two great blogs (the same even has more because that woman is an SUV). One is the classic Criando Creando where, for example, we can see a conference by pediatrician Cárlos Gonzalez. The other, newborn, is a blog that helps moms who want to become entrepreneurs, Moms and businesses, something that for many may seem like an unattainable dream. I loved the post in which he talks about the distractions that social networks entail for which we work at home. Do not miss it.

I was also fascinated by the blog of a photographer mom, Flowers in my window, Carolina Conti and I really enjoyed your Congratulations to the Superpapis.

And I finish with Enjoying Together, the blog of Rebe Ca, in which she tells us the adventures and thoughts of the mother of Major and Little, a woman whose motherhood changed all her approaches. When we have seen his pebbles my son has taken out what he did years ago and that is a beautiful and simple activity that I recommend.

With this we finish our review by moms and dads blogs. Do not forget to recommend your blogs so that we can include them.