Highlights in Babies and more: April 2-8

Today as every Monday we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, those topics that have interested you most during the last seven days.

We release month and April is loaded with new features, such as our Specials dedicated to the baby's room, with proposals on decoration planning, how to decorate floor and walls or ideas and advice on the color of the baby's room.

We also hope that you will be excited as much as we are the Special about children's cinema with the best movies for kids. To open your mouth, we recommend "Cars 2" and "Mr. Magorium and its magic shop".

On the other hand, among the most read and commented topics we have had the walkers (useless and dangerous), what to tell a child to prevent abuses and unusual practices such as bandaging the sleeping baby, the "tegmat".

In this age of vacations, excursions and trips We have been interested in the mistakes that endanger children traveling by car and tips for safe travel during pregnancy, as well as ideas for decorating Easter eggs, even with stickers.

There has also been room for prominent news, such as the network that scammed with the conservation of cord cells or the discovery of a silicone ring that reduces premature births.

We continue with the phrases that should not be said to children, such as "You will drive me crazy" and "I say it, period." If you are looking names for your babyWe recommend you follow the series about names of biblical characters.

In our section of Pregnancy We have talked about how eating disorders of the mother affect the baby and acne during pregnancy.

This week there have been important dates, such as World Autism Awareness Day and World Physical Activity Day. That is why we have also told you about ten data on the physical activity of WHO.

Finally, we remind you that you can answer the question of the week In our answers section, this week related to the cinema and our Special about films for children:

What is your favourite children movie?

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last days has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More So you don't miss anything.

Video: Dean Ambrose's final night in WWE ends in devastation: Raw, April 8, 2019 (July 2024).