Healthy dinners for children: Chicken, mushroom, red pepper and onion skewers

The dish we have chosen for this week can not be simpler and healthier, it is about Grilled chicken skewers with mushrooms, red pepper and onion.

The ingredients What we need are: long wooden or metal chopsticks (I like wood more for the taste and because when we finish throwing them) for skewers that we can find in supermarkets or in Chinese. In addition, chicken breast, mushroom, red pepper, sweet onion, salt, oil, garlic and parsley.

As for his elaboration, as you know, chicken breast is usually rather dry, so that it is juicy, we will marinate the chicken (cut into dice of the same size) a few hours before, in a bowl with olive oil, salt and crushed of garlic and parsley for flavor.

When we go to prepare dinner, we will take a skewer stick and insert mushroom, a piece of chicken, a piece of onion and a piece of red pepper and again we will start with the mushroom followed by the other ingredients until the skewer is full, We will move them to a plate.

We put the iron to heat, if you do not have this kitchen accessory, you can do it in a pan or grill. We must try that the temperature is not very high to avoid burning the vegetables and the chicken is not done well inside. Once finished, sit down and have dinner.

The properties of today's dinner, are the following: as for chicken, It is a food rich in vitamin B3, low in fat and also has a high amount of protein, so it is recommended during childhood, adolescence and pregnancy since in these stages, a greater contribution of this nutrient is necessary. Its high content of vitamin B3, makes it a beneficial food for the circulatory system, can help reduce cholesterol and is recommended to fight diseases such as diabetes, arthritis or tinnitus.

He Red pepper It is a food rich in vitamins C and A. Vitamin A, prevents eye diseases, strengthens the immune system and promotes the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin C is beneficial for eyesight, skin, ear and respiratory system. In addition, it can help us reduce cold symptoms and fight diseases such as constipation and hyperthyroidism.

He mushroomIt has a very low caloric content, contains vitamins A, C, B1 and D. It is antioxidant, remineralizing and provides a lot of fiber. As regards the onionIt is tonic, diuretic, purifying, digestive, it is very good for all respiratory conditions and rich in vitamins and minerals.

This recipe loves children although if they do not like mushrooms, you can substitute cherry tomatoes, we hope you enjoy the whole family.