Two or more hours a day of "screen time" increases the likelihood of having attention problems in preschoolers

On many occasions we have talked about the recommendations for the use of tablets, mobiles and TV by children, as several studies have found that excessive use of them could have consequences on the development of children.

Now, a new study has found that in the case of preschoolers, having two or more hours a day of "screen time" it could increase the probability that they have difficulties paying attention up to five times.

The study

Published in the magazine Plos One, the study conducted by the University of Alberta analyzed information from a longitudinal study on child health conducted in Canada (Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development Study) to examine the relationship between screen time and the behavior of preschoolers.

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In it, the parents who participated in the study answered surveys related to the use of electronic devices, in which they were asked about the total screen time their children had per day, including video games, mobiles and tablets. In total, 2,400 families participated and the surveys were answered when the children were five years old.

Through linear regression models, the researchers analyzed the aforementioned relationship, to know if screen time really influenced children's behavior, focusing on two aspects in particular: their ability to pay attention and their levels of aggressiveness.

Compared to children who had less than 30 minutes a day of screen time, children who had more than two hours a day they were five times more likely to show and externalize behavioral problems, as an inability to pay attention.

Also, it was found that in those who had more than two hours of screen time per day, their behavior had seven times more likely to meet or match the criteria and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This does not mean that they have ADHD, but simply that they show similar symptoms to those who do suffer from affecting their ability to stay alert.

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Regarding the levels of aggressiveness the results were different, since it was found that there was no significant relationship between the amount of time they used or saw a screen, with aggressive behaviors.

The researchers' recommendation about screen time in children is the same as we have shared on many previous occasions: less is more.

In addition to analyzing the impact that a screen time longer than recommended could have on children's behavior, the researchers identified some Factors that could "protect" children from the negative effects of screen time: have a quality rest and participate in organized and structured sports, the latter having a greater protective effect.

The effects of excessive use of electronic devices

As we have commented previously, this is not the first study about the effects of the use of electronic devices in the development of children, and probably not the last, because there is still much to analyze and investigate, not only on the amount of time that is used and its long-term effects, but also, on the quality of the content to which children are exposed.

For now, we know that the use of tablets and mobiles before two years could delay speech development, and that abusing screen time could affect children's intelligence and cognitive development. But also, as we have commented on other occasions, the results of most studies are not definitive and As the authors of many of them have mentioned, further research on this subject is needed..

Should we then ban screens at home?

Let's be realistic and accept it: technology is part of our daily life and it has become essential for most families, who take advantage of it to do multiple tasks at home or make their daily work a little easier. It is even the one that has allowed me to write this today and you can read it from wherever you are.

True, there are several studies that point out the possible negative consequences that they can bring, particularly in the case of children. But nevertheless, This does not mean that we should take a stand against the use of screens, nor that we should ban children entirely. It's just like everything: we shouldn't abuse them.

And how do we achieve it? Following the recommendations of the professionals, not buying small tablets or mobile children for personal use, and teaching our children to use them responsibly and intelligently, with schedules and limits. Even the study authors themselves they advise against eliminating them in their entirety, and consider preschool age a good stage to start teaching children about responsible use and start a healthy relationship with technology.

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All this, balanced with the teaching of good habits, free play, traditional toys such as blocks and puzzles, as well as a life with outdoor activities that keep children exercising, it will help children not be affected or abuse screen time.

Photos | Unsplash, iStock
Via | Neuroscience News

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