How to regulate food at home when children 'eat too much'

In our Special on Infant Feeding, we are going to talk about those children who 'eat too much', and we will offer advice to parents who are concerned about this fact. I know that many dads and moms of children who (apparently) eat badly or 'little', it might seem trivial when a child eats food indiscriminately, after all they want their little ones to eat more.

However, obtaining an excessive energy contribution through food, It can lead to excess weight, and this - in turn - to childhood obesity, one of the most worrisome health problems in today's societies.

And this is the moment in which the parents must assume our educational role in the transmission of healthy habits, because our role is privileged in order to prevent sedentary lifestyle and poor diet continue to settle in future generations.

Although it seems strange (because it would be more common in adults), there are children who develop behaviors in which they eat without apparent control, as if that would alleviate certain negative emotions. These and all who do not care at all (obviously because someone does not help them to do so) their diet, are the object of our attention in this article.

We can start by recognizing (because this is no longer a secret) that many of us (children and adults) eat more than our body needs, that is, we are giving ourselves too much energy. And there is something really important that would be important for us to think: 'the one who indicates satisfaction' must be our body and not our eyes. The food industry is in charge of offering us attractive foods that reach us by sight and we savor with the palate, but where is our criterion to decide?


We will recognize avoidable situations that may favor children eating too much:

  • Perform meals while doing other things that are not shared and talk as a family (watch TV, play with the video console, talk on the phone). This can cause the signs that "we don't need more" to go unnoticed.
  • Allow 'pecking' between meals
  • Include snacks, soft drinks and treats in family celebrations.
  • Offer sodas or juices to fight thirst (they do not really meet that goal, and they are also very caloric).
  • Repeatedly turn the dessert into an occasion to take a piece of cake or a dairy dessert (instead of fruit).
  • Let the presence of sweet or savory packaging be uneven compared to that of vegetables and fruits (tilting the balance towards the first)

Can we know if our children eat for anxiety?

Definitely if, or at least there would be some signs for us to observe and decide to change habits:

  • They eat food quickly and they don't stop even if they seem full
  • The amounts are inappropriate for your age (too large)
  • They are obsessed with food: "Even when they are finishing the dish they think of the snack."
  • Eat impulsively
When we decide to 'regulate' the diet of overweight children so that they are healthier, we do not think about weight (which will be decisive for them to feel well), but above all because overweight and obesity aggravate or cause other diseases

Some practical tricks to apply at home:

  • To procure that there are many healthy products in the fridge and pantry, that children get used to observing that 'at home' they care about food.
  • Don't sharply restrict high-calorie foods, but offer or allow moderate access.
  • Reduce the frequency of the amount of sweets, snacks and sugary drinks purchased.
Parents are an example and a role model, they will 'do what they see doing' at home, at least until adolescence

And finally we want to tell you (again) what is a healthy and balanced diet?

  • You eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; At least 5 varied portions every day.
  • Dairy products are tried to be low in fat, and their consumption is not abused. As dessert fruits are always preferable.
  • Saturated fats are reduced and the fat is removed from the meat before cooking.
  • The contribution of proteins of animal origin is moderated.
  • The kitchen is based on preparing dishes with legumes, cereals and vegetables.
  • Candies, snacks or sweets are removed from everyday life, and left for very special occasions.

I would also like to clarify before we finish that we all have internal regulators that allow us to recognize when we are satiated. In cases of children who eat for anxiety, or when they simply eat too much, we must help them recognize when it is enough. We can ask them how they feel if they have eaten a lot and how when they do not get full, we can support them to interpret the signals that the body sends, and to identify the consequences (immediate and future) of 'eating a lot': tummy ache, overweight , etc

We will also help you when we encourage you to practice some sport or physical activity, to combat a sedentary lifestyle.