Councils of the European Union on toy safety

Although Christmas is the star in terms of buying toys, summer is also an important time in this regard, and the end of the year or sales are excuses to buy them. There are some toy safety tips that we must keep in mind, like these recommendations of the European Union.

All toys sold in the EU have passed a series of controls that guarantee the safety of children when they play with them. However, not all toys sold in the EU have been manufactured here, and although it must be ensured that they comply with the applicable safety standards in Europe, and checks are carried out at the EU borders and in the premises of the distributors, dangerous toys may "sneak" into the market.

A year ago, new EU regulations on toy safety that are stricter came into force. These include those related to small parts that can be swallowed or inhaled and those related to the packaging of toys together with food.

In order to strengthen security, the EU has launched a campaign to enhance the purchase of safe toys and raise awareness among consumers on the aspects to be fixed when buying toys for children, with a video, cards and information documents.

Let's look at the European Union councils on security, related to two moments: when choosing a toy and after having bought it.

  • Always buy toys in stores or from online suppliers that you trust.
  • Read all warnings and instructions.
  • Choose toys suitable for the child's age, ability and skill.
  • Do not buy toys that contain small removable parts for children under three years, due to the risk of suffocation.
  • Follow the instructions carefully to assemble and use the toy correctly.
  • Watch for children while they play.
  • Check the condition of the toys from time to time.
  • Remove all packaging.
  • Teach your children to order their toys to avoid accidents.
  • Report any toy safety problem to the manufacturer or seller from whom you purchased it.

I really like this list, because despite its brevity it refers not only to the time of purchase but to the subsequent one, which sometimes we do not have too much regard for security. Apart from these recommendations, remember that toys bearing the CE mark comply with safety regulations, so there are fewer risks in their use.

In any case, it is always good to keep in mind the tips on toy safety, and we will continue talking about it on the blog, since it is important that the game so beneficial for the kids is well understood and really helpful and fun.

Video: EU Sets Tough Rules on Toy Safety (July 2024).