The nap helps the baby retain what he has learned during the day

The nap for babies is sacred. And if it isn't, it should be, because besides being healthy to regain strength, the nap helps the baby retain what he has learned.

That is, the nap is not only a break in the day for the baby to recharge, but it is an important part of its development, as it favors an advanced level of learning known as abstraction.

The nap improves short-term memory

This is stated by a group of researchers from the University of Arizona when studying the behavior of 48 15-month-old babies, whose brains are constantly evolving. They ensure that napping improves short-term memory storage in children between 1 and 3 years old.

Pausing that helps them to assimilate what they have learned and leave room for new information. After a period of sleep, they retain the concepts much better. In Babies and more, does your child still sleep? Seven benefits of napping in children

The authors of the study analyzed by means of facial expressions the children's responses to phrases they had already heard before. Unlike babies who had not slept, those who had slept a few hours between 4 and 8 hours after listening had a better ability to find patterns between phrases, showing evidence of abstract learning.

The conclusion of the principal investigator of the study is that:

"What we know is that children have mostly MOR sleep (rapid eye movement), given the type of sleep they have and brain development at that point. And they have to sleep a reasonable amount of time after the introduction of information to that abstract work can take place. If you don't sleep within four to eight hours, you probably lose what you have learned. "

Therefore, and for the other benefits of a restful nap, it is important to establish a routine for the child to take a nap every day at about the same time, with some daylight and in a comfortable place, although not necessarily Be your crib.

The nap does not have to become a battle, but if we favor it, in addition to resting and helping the baby to regain strength for the rest of the day, it will also contribute to improving his learning.

In Babies and more Sleeping naps reduces children's hyperactivity and anxiety

Video: How I Helped My Baby To Nap In His Crib & Fall Asleep On His Own (May 2024).