Dads and moms blogs (CXXXIII)

One more week, we look at the maternal paternal blogosphere (I've invented it to save lyrics) to discover what has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs.

We repeat every week what we like to do the most, since a virtual window opens to a community of fathers and mothers who share with us reflections, experiences, experiences and advice. Here we go.

In My 28 week princess We found a beautiful entrance that Esther dedicates to her eldest daughter. In Exercising as an older sister, she talks about how we see older brothers grow up when a little brother is born and tells us that she is a great older sister. I liked it very much, it is very tender.

In We are already three (and a half) at home The imminent arrival of a new member in the family is felt in the air. In Surviving the impatient mini mini and the restless dwarf Eviki shares the last weeks of his busy pregnancy, with the threat of premature delivery included, and the explosion of the language of his first offspring. Is that when they start talking, they don't stop anymore.

We also look at the blog With the permission of mother, in which Valle takes stock of the 31 weeks of pregnancy of her second baby. He shares his concerns about the place where he will give birth due to the cuts in Health and his first scare, a small accident that he has suffered when he fell on a ladder. How these scares scare when we are pregnant, but luckily it was nothing serious.

In BabbupiJenni confesses something that happens a lot to mothers 2.0 who are connected all day to mobile or computer. He is trying to optimize his time with the children, and it is true that it is hard not to be tempted to take the phone while we play with the children, but they deserve all our dedication. Courage, there is time for everything, it is a matter of organizing.

Finally, in Taking care of the light of your eyes I really liked the post dedicated to Ana to reflect on children and dogs, a combination that in some houses is not easy to carry. Many couples with a "first child" dog wonder how their hairy child will behave when the baby arrives. I recommend it if it is your case.

So far our review of the contents that we liked most this week in the moms and dads blogs. Next week, much more.

If you have a blog about maternity or paternity, we invite you to leave the URL in the comments of this post and we promise to give us a spin.