Do you want to respond to the energy needs of children ?: Start with a good breakfast

To get our children have a balanced breakfast we just have to be aware that this is complete from the nutritional point of view, and that the little ones have enough time to eat the prepared foods.

Energy needs and certain nutrients are higher among children. This is why experts recommend dividing meals into five, and judging by the results of the Eroski Consumer study that we had already presented last week, Spanish families do not do it completely wrong, because 88% of respondents said that it does provide their children with the number of recommended meals. There will be those who are hungry as soon as they wake up, but The normal thing is that if the children only have five minutes to eat before going to school, they show reluctance. So we are the elders who must put the batteries and wake them at least 15 minutes ahead of schedule, so they will feed well, we will not hurry, and we will also have time to chat a little about the day that awaits us all.

The ingredients that can not be missing in a complete and balanced breakfast?: proteins (usually dairy derivatives, but also a hard-boiled egg for example, or a slice of low-fat serrano ham), carbohydrates (from cookies to toast with oil, through a cupcake) and vitamins (orange juice , apple and grape salad, etc.)

If despite our efforts, the kids show no interest in breakfast, we always have to vary the menu daily, surprise (for example by drawing a smiling face of jam on the bread) or unite the nutrients in a single dish. The latter can be achieved thanks to the blenders, and the ingenuity of moms who know that the energy needed for several hours can be concentrated in a glass.

But Eroski Consumer's study also alerted us that the habit of eating between meals (pecking) is becoming more frequent. This habit should be careful because If it is taken while another activity is being carried out (watching TV, reading ...), there is a danger of avoiding the control mechanisms of hunger and satiety.

You already know that healthy eating is key to the good development of childrenTo achieve this is our goal: let's start with breakfast, don't neglect the fractionation of meals, and of course forget about the sweet or savory goodies usually taken.