Twelve tricks to capture the beauty of the first days of your newborn's life. By photographer Marta Schmidt

Marta Schmidt He started with photography at age 16 due to his love of revealing the photos in the dark room. Going through every possible corner where to mount the enlarger and buckets in his parents' house, he became increasingly fond of. In Sydney, where he lived for a couple of years, he discovered that in addition to travel photography, he liked that of children and families and in 2008 he returned to Madrid determined to turn his hobby into his way of life. Since then he shows his work, which is also his passion, on his website.
  • Find the room with the best light to place the baby. If the light is very strong and it gives all the sun, you can cover the window with a white sheet to blur it and not create ugly shadows on your face.

  • Don't take the picture inside the carrycot because his face will be dark, better try to lie on your bed or on the couch. Whatever is closer to a window so that you receive all available light well.

  • Place the baby facing the light, and if you can take the opportunity to lie beside him, just behind and have your picture taken.

  • Newborns are happy when they make a ball because it's how they have been until that moment. When you are deeply asleep, try some such posture. If you see that it is strange or you find it difficult to place, you better go simple and let him take a posture that he likes, even if he is lying on his back. Put your comfort before forced postures.

  • A good time to take photos is after feeding him, don't move him much, but wrap him in something to make him feel at ease.

  • Take pictures from different positions looking for different perspectives. You can bend over and make one at your height or take it from above, but you can also try to get away and take a picture that shows how small it is in the vastness of the bed or armchair.

  • Take general pictures, but also details of the feet and hands, or a single photo of your face.

  • White and light colors They are the most advisable since the white acts as a natural reflector and provides more light to the baby, which is important if in the room you are not lucky enough to have good light. Pastel colors bring warmth and tenderness to the image and that is just what we usually try to convey when we take photos to newborns.

  • Do not use many decorative items or stuffed animals in this type of photographs (and removes things that can distract from the bedside tables) because they are still very small and steal prominence.

  • Use blankets to give a color note and that personal touch.

  • Do not insist on getting the photos if you do not have a good day and you see that you are nervous or uncomfortable. Leave it for another time.

  • Dedicate timeNormally, no matter how rich you see him in a given situation, the photo is not perfect and you have to prepare the scene.

  • Your safety is always the most important. Do not put him on the edge of the bed or sofa and do not try to put him in baskets or other materials without proper training. Focus on what your life in your home shows in those early days.