Tips for first time parents: breastfeeding without interference

In my previous tips for new parents I talked to you about breastfeeding and the importance of contacting a support group. Today I will tell you how to get breastfeed without interference They can harm breastfeeding.


Well, it seems simple but social custom, more than concrete problems, is usually the biggest enemy of breastfeeding and what creates more problems.

Do not be afraid to return insumisos and unfriendly if necessary, because as you listen to all the advice of those who do not know and let a continuous stream of visitors get into your house, it will be difficult to overcome the slightest problem. Remember that intimacy in postpartum is a natural necessity.

A more ignorant, more arrogant

Ignore Opinionists. Most of those who will give you advice have not breastfed or will have done so briefly; The majority of those who dare to give their opinion (and even put your finger in your tit if you neglect) have no idea of ​​breastfeeding and what I say will only serve to confuse you and instill insecurity. Key tip: in breastfeeding, to more ignorant more arrogant with his advice.

If you need information: train and go to breastfeeding groups, but avoid that anyone who does not know about breastfeeding thinks and tells you false myths about this issue that can make you make mistakes or have insecurity.

Throw the clock

A baby's stomach is tiny and must be given on demand, that is, every time he asks and every time he gets uncomfortable. If you don't want a tit, you won't breastfeed, as simple as that. Do not count the minutes or limit the shots. Babies should eat whenever they want, without external rules. They are not impaled, and if they have sucked too much, they will get rid of it. Key tip: throw the clock.

Skin with skin

Breastfeed on demand, if possible directly accessible to the baby (nudists if necessary), behave to keep it close to the body and sleep with him to favor nighttime breastfeeding, basic so that he drinks enough milk and so that enough milk is produced. Physical contact should be not only through clothes, the baby likes to feel our body. The key advice: skin to skin as long as possible

No need to visit the newborn

Visits that want to meet the baby should be very limited. The baby does not need to know anyone and if you need to be alone with your mom, without interruptions and letting her rest when the baby sleeps. The visits can be of help without those of those who bring pots, or take the laundry and bring it ironed, or those who go to take dinner to bed and pass the mop. Professionals advise that newborns do not receive visitors.

The visits that come to drink coffee, take the baby and get in if you sleep with him better for when he turns 18 ... well, at least for when the breastfeeding is perfectly seated. Key tip: the visits, later, thanks. Between letting an adult be disappointed at not seeing the newborn and putting the tickle on breastfeeding you choose.

Sleep when your baby sleeps

The baby will sleep and wake up to eat regardless of whether it is day or night. And that, which is normal and healthy in a baby, depletes. The baby needs physical contact and be in arms as long as possible. And that, which is normal and healthy in a baby, depletes. The only way to be more or less well is to rest when the baby sleeps. And I don't mean to pass the broom, tidy up the house or cook. I say rest and preferably sleep.

The mother who wants to breastfeed should have time for it. And that is not "doing nothing", is to attend and nurture your child, the most important thing in the world. If you are busted and stressed for a thousand things to do, you will not be able to fully focus on breastfeeding, flow with your child and that, if you are first-time and a problem with the chest arises, even if it is mild, it may mean that the forces do not reach you anymore .

So the ideal is that, if possible, the mother does not have to take care of anything other than her exclusive baby, especially if she breastfeeds, but also if she does not, as I will tell you in the next post. Key tip: sleep when your baby sleeps.

Hire help if you need it

Many families, with the arrival of a baby, feel overwhelmed by home organization problems. A newborn infant demands a lot and the mother is also recovering and lacking rest.

Household cleaning, laundry, shopping and cooking are things that are still necessary, no matter how much we lower our demand. The organization is vital but in some cases hire outside help It is the best solution.

The couple will have a very important role in the success of breastfeeding, being the one who should assume these tasks alone on many occasions. But since paternity leave in Spain is almost as ridiculously short as maternity is short, sometimes it won't be able to take care of everything. But, despite this, you should remember that the mother's task is to care for the baby, breastfeed and take care of it and that, for a time, many things of work previously shared must be done by another.

There are varied services that can be very helpful for families: doulas, people who do household chores, laundry and ironing services, catering at home ... all, if our economy allows, we should contemplate them.

Hire external help It is an investment that must be taken into account, not only because it can help maintain breastfeeding (and I assure you that you save by breastfeeding money for milk and medical expenses), but because in the long run they will make a family Rest be happier. It may be worth spending money on this instead of changing cars or planning a special vacation.

These are my tips for first-time parents regarding possible breastfeeding problems. On the next occasion, some tips will come for those first-time parents who, for whatever reason, give a bottle.

Video: Nursing bra demos (May 2024).