Do we have to inform parents of our collaboration and commitment in the children's educational process?

Some time ago we were commenting on Peques and Más que the parents were able to commit themselves in writing to force their children to do their homework daily. That parents have to help their children, rather than oblige, to do their homework seems reasonable to me, even if they do not interfere with the educational process marked by the school, because children have to understand that their education is part of his responsibility in the same way as doing homework, picking up his room or ordering his toys.

You can still go further and for example there are already programs that seek to parents commit themselves not only to review homework but also to evaluate their knowledge in school to know if they are trained to help at home. In this case it seems that the commitment of collaboration at home is not enough and we must also inform the acquired knowledge and participate with the school in conferences or talks for students.

In this case I think it is an exaggeration that parents have to be evaluated because there is nothing to guarantee that if parents have the knowledge they can help their children and vice versa. I do believe that the collaboration of parents at home fosters an adequate work environment that impacts children so that they can achieve better grades, stay in school longer, want to learn and be able to access higher education in the future.

I don't think parents have to respond in a role of their knowledge, their dedication and their commitment to teach children at home. Schools have enough tools, programs and experience to act on the training of children and it does not seem reasonable that they also have to be involved in training or advising parents in the task of educating. That could be part of other needs and certainly exceed the competences of schools.

In any case, it seems important to me that parents become aware of the rights and obligations of children in their process of acquiring knowledge and that they have to do everything possible to facilitate the training and education of children.

In Peques and More | Homework
Image | Matteo Bagnoli