A flexible and respectful school adaptation would avoid many problems for children and families

It is not the first time that we dedicate an article to different adaptations that children should make in their school stage, I think that from the family efforts should be invested in getting children to integrate to the rhythm of the classes, to be aware of the conflicts that arise, and of course! to your academic evolution.

The transition to Secondary Education, the change from Infant to Primary, and even how to support children who start the course in a different school, all these issues have been accommodated in Peques and More. And more generally, the guidelines for requesting information when choosing Infant / Primary school or Institute. Today I would like to talk about the adaptation of children when they start Early Childhood Education, that is to say how it would be a respectful adaptation with the rhythms of the little ones. It is known that the stage of Early Childhood Education It is very important from the point of view of creating habits, diagnosing difficulties, and starting literacy. I am more in favor of late schooling, so that children at an early age could devote their time to play, learn naturally and spend more time with their family (and taking into account that this stage is not mandatory). But against this thought is in the first place the non-existent work and family conciliation, and then another series of factors that I am not going to enter now.

Currently adapting to school In most of the schools we know, it is limited to incorporating three-year-old children little by little into the classrooms, and with good luck, the first few days / weeks may remain only part of the school day., so that they come into gentle contact with the school environment, meet the teacher who will take care of them, and do not disassociate so abruptly from their grandparents or parents. Everything depends on the Autonomous Community and the regulations of the school, but everything also depends on the parents, as far as they are willing to go, agree, negotiate for their children, for a non-traumatic adaptation.

The change that carries a great emotional load.

Children with three years can still be considered as babies (big babies as my son would say), with this age the beginning of school is an experience full of emotions (even in those children who apparently enter the class calmly and happily).

Here there is no possible rationality, since although we dedicate several years of our life to being rational beings, it is not until 12 years (at least) when we can consider that reasoning can control emotions.

Thus, The least we can do, and this does not depend on our work schedules, is to understand our children, understand what they feel when we leave them at the classroom door, and let them express themselves. Let's forget to pay attention to the phrases of encouragement 'it will happen to you!', Because even when they get used soon, we must think that they may need to tell us that they suffer, that they long for us, that they are not at ease (or that they are), and They want to recover the hugs and lost kisses.

Emotional conflicts of infants and young children are best treated if we put into practice emotional listening. It is convenient that we be patient and that we show without measure our love for children, showing us sensitive and receptive to their problems

As adults we must be willing to face all behavior changes that children present: more tantrums, less appetite, difficulty sleeping, crying, etc. Let's not overflow now after being able to withstand the pressure in our jobs.

In other words, it is not about ignoring, angering or belittling children's feelings, but about listen to them, understand them and respect their needs when we are with them (Although this involves changing a routine such as going to the park or the cafeteria with other moms, for longer at home with the child). To do this, it is clear that we need to regain calm, forget about housework, or ask for help (sometimes grandmothers can make us dinner if we have not resorted to them during the day, it is just an example).

The ideal adaptation?

It is neither more nor less than that which respects the rhythms of children, allows families flexibility and is lavished in displays of affection by the educational staff. It is not always possible to get it, although It all starts with the choice of school, if we have the possibility of doing so.

Although it seems like a utopia, there are schools that promote an 'almost tailored' adaptation, and others that allow parents to 'make their way' without putting too much pain on them. I myself have been sitting in a corner of the class so that my son who was then almost five years old did not feel helpless: I had agreed with him and the teacher, and remained there only for a little while in the mornings.

With a respectful adaptation that will last over time (nothing of fifteen days, but rather at least one month), the problems that present many days would be minor, and greater tranquility in the environment would be perceived. At the end of the day, I do not think that first of Infantil much is lost if part of the quarter is dedicated to adaptation.

Specifying: the best adaptation would be the one that allowed, not only a progressive incorporation of children, but also a short daily stay in the classrooms, and the possibility of parents accompanying children during the first days, so that everyone becomes familiar with the new environment at the same time, and so that the child feels that his family is also part of this new world.

If you only look at the comfort of the organization of the school, the adaptation will never be as I propose, but if you really think about children, their emotions and what we could all avoid (persistent crying, refusing to go to the cole, etc.), these periods should be considered differently. It is true, that sometimes it is the parents themselves who reject the proposals for adaptation, either because of the impossibility of making their labor obligations more flexible, or because they 'quickly turn the page' and see the child 'placed' in school.

In short, I have tried to convey that for children, and for parents, everything goes better the safer the child feels, and for that, how the beginning of school is treated is very important. That, and pay close attention to how they feel.

Images | eliduke, edenpictures, edenpictures In Peques and More | Does my son need a psychologist? (Problems in school)

Video: Episode 44: Practical Ideas for Visual Expectations, Assemblies, and Student Safety (May 2024).