The Croods or how parental overprotection began in prehistory

It seems that with the excuse that parents have to go to the animated films and see that these works are increasingly visited by families, for the quality they have and because they are very fun, they are encouraged to analyze how teenagers education is done And in The Croods, it has completely entered question education by showing parents as overprotective and too aware of their children in their daily lives drowning them, suffocating them and letting them lose opportunities.

So perhaps it is time to rethink, in the education of children, if we have to stop being so overprotective and drafts of their future and let nature take its course. Of course, developing abilities and skills in the kids that allows them to adapt and, as you can see in the movie, survive.

And is that the movie is a script or help manual, to survive in chaos. For example, hunting, after seeing how the troglodytes hunt, say forcibly and with hardly any performance (the poor father sacrificing himself for the tribe), learn to obtain an extraordinary reward by applying theatrical techniques, tools (sticks, stones and lianas) And a lot of logic.

The catalyst for change is a young man who lost his parents when he was a child! and has learned to survive without protection. So now try to transform the family based on recipes such as the use of fire, leaving the caves, training pets and such a beautiful thing as follow the sun!

And the movie flies by while the images follow each other, with some excellent drawings How much more will they be able to improve the technique? Well-defined characters so that we can all reflect, even grandma! It appears in the film, and some fascinating scenes full of lush vegetation, transparent water and sharp mountains.

The movie is directed by Chris Sanders which was also how to train your dragon. I imagine he has to have a great time because he is already an expert in animated films for children and has gone through Disney and Dreamworks (where he has done his last two works). So it is one of the references and guarantee of success in children's entertainment.

Children will love the movie because there is everything: adventures, pets, fascinating landscapes, explosions, jumps and throws. Although no, there is no music or dance. Yes there is a final moment, after the credits, and that you can see if you decide to endure with the kids until the last letters. Credit titles always end with music and thanks and the technology used in the film. In this case the HP (Hewlett-Packard) that achieves impressive results. We saw it in two dimensions and enjoyed it a lot.

In Cinema Blog | 'The Croods: a prehistoric adventure', how to train your caveman

Video: Tales From The Drive-In: Opening Weekend For 2013 The Croods and Parental Guidance (May 2024).