Can't you get pregnant? Try eating more protein

Proteins have been persecuted for a few years at a nutritional level, because of the burden that is assumed that they place on the kidneys, giving greater importance in the diet to carbohydrates, which give us energy. For some time now, however, these premises are being modified a little because more hydrates, more weight, more obesity and more heart and other problems. At the same time, you are seeing that increasing the percentage of proteins is not harmful and that, in fact, could even be beneficial.

One of the possible benefits is the one that could help so many women who have trouble getting pregnant, as a recent study concludes that Women who increase the percentage of protein and decrease the percentage of carbohydrates are more likely to become pregnant than those that have a contrary diet, closer to the usual recommendations (with 15-20% protein and 50-55% carbohydrates).

The study was carried out in women who were undergoing in vitro fertilization treatments and although the results seem clear, more research is necessary, since the study sample is only 120 women.

To see it in data, of the women who came to get 25% of the daily calories from protein, 67% managed to get pregnant. In the other group of women, those who ingest less protein, only 32% They got to get pregnant. So they wanted to see what had happened in those women who, in addition to increasing protein, reduced carbohydrates to less than 40% of their calories and in this case it was 80% the percentage of women who became pregnant.

The researchers, cautious, did not want to ensure that people with fertility problems would improve the chances of filling with meat, fish, milk and eggs, but they did confirm that diet can play a very important role in the chances of pregnancy.

The reasons that the group that took more protein were more successful in pregnancy are not entirely clear. The hypotheses suggest that it could be that by taking more protein they consumed fewer empty calories from processed foods, which are very abundant in the American diet. It is believed that the effects of these foods on the secretion of insulin and other hormones could affect fertility, so reducing them could be beneficial.

In addition, it is suggested that a greater number of proteins in the diet could be beneficial, by improving the quality of a woman's eggs.

Whatever the reason, it may be interesting that from this data they perform more studies In this regard, because there are many couples who have problems getting conceived and who knows if the success rate could improve with something as simple as modifying a little nutritional habits.

Just in case, the researchers have decided to recommend to all couples that they plan to have a baby or perform some fertility treatment that three months before, at least, increase the number of proteins in the diet up to 25% to 35% and reduce the percentage of carbohydrates to less than 40%.