Proposals to change Education: awareness of one's power

Today I will continue explaining what my proposals would be to really improve Education in Spain, proposals that go beyond the successive laws that we will find throughout our lives and that I hope can improve the experience of students, teachers and parents. The proposal that I make today is to be aware of your power as educators.

Without a doubt, the people who most influence children's lives are their parents, but so are their teachers. They will spend many hours a day with them, they will help them build their personality and their civic values, they will accompany them in the acquisition of knowledge and skills and, above all, they will be adult reference figures with whom they will feel emotionally attached.

And that is to have a huge power in the present of children and in the future of society.

The teacher, in Spain, does not enjoy special social recognition, his work does not receive financial compensation in accordance with his great dedication and responsibility, all that is true. But not for that reason the power in them is less. And great power means great responsibility.

On what the teacher transmits and how he uses his language towards the child will depend largely on his self-concept, the image of himself, his self-esteem. The teacher will give the child the power to be himself and to know how to achieve his goals, discover his talents and develop his passion for areas of knowledge, specific topics or ways of working. It is a huge power.

The child absorbs everything around him. From the attitude of the teacher, from his respect, empathy, dedication and joy he will learn more than from books or content.

Moreover, a teacher can create insecurity in the child and make him feel less capable, or he can catapult him towards confidence in achieving his dreams. If you make him think he is slow or lazy, he will be. If you observe him with love, he will feel loved. If you encourage and accompany him, he can overcome the difficulties.

A teacher can help a child who is not respected at home or even abused to discover that he is worthy of respect and good treatment. A child with learning difficulties can rely heavily on the training and love of a teacher to discover how he can learn.

The teacher aware of his great power discovers that, although the environment is not adequate, he must continue with his human formation, deepening knowledge and respectful pedagogy, daring to carry out reforms in his own way of working, developing a healthy self-criticism

Teachers, also humans, will have bad days, problems, tiredness. They won't be perfect, but if every morning they remember and they become aware of their great power about the lives of their students, they will be much better able to carry out the work that these children deserve.

Every morning, remember it, think about it and take it as a motto: you have great power. Not everything I have to say about Education and teachers are critical to the memorial system and the punishments, which I will continue to criticize, I also have to tell you that I am sure that you, the teachers and educators, can change the teaching system from the heart .

For all this I believe that a really effective proposal to improve Education is help teachers to be aware of their great power.