'A friend at home': assisted therapy with dogs for children with disabilities

I am very happy to be able to present a new project of the Protective Society of Animals and Plants of Alcoy (Alicante), two years ago we knew 'Loving them to love me' aimed at children in vulnerable situations, and starring the children themselves, the dogs that They accompanied them, and different professionals.

Today, I have to tell you that they have launched a new initiative called 'A friend at home'. What does it consist of? You may ask: it is about contacting dependent people (children with disabilities and the elderly) with abandoned dogs that 'visit' them.

I know that in other populations, different Protective Societies carry out similar activities, they are all commendable, and surely they bring tons of hope and hope to their beneficiaries.

Each of the project users will have the opportunity to improve social relations and a sense of responsibility (when attending the animal). Each of them is designed activities according to their needs and characteristics. 'A friend at home' also boosts autonomy and self-esteem, reduces anxiety / depression levels, and the feeling of loneliness.

Mónica Durán (of the Protective Society), is responsible for the project, around which also a canine training professional, and the 'Best at home' company, of Social Services.

They have plucked with sessions for two children with disabilities and a greater marriage ... the dogs guarantee loyalty, companionship and affection, the beneficiaries will feel less alone, they will learn that their actions are also useful and they will smile when they see the dogs arrive accompanied by those responsible for the activity.

I think success is guaranteed, everyone will win. We have to congratulate them on the initiative, since on certain occasions animal therapy is the best option. If you want to know all the possible applications that the use of dogs in childhood diseases or disorders, I invite you to review this interview with Eva Domènec.