Proposals to change Education: educate entrepreneurs

It seems that there are many proposals that I have to change Education. And yes, it is true, I really believe that we must completely reconsider the learning system to help children be prepared, not for the current market, but to adapt to the changes of the future and to build it themselves. And one of the keys is Educating entrepreneurs.

Today the labor market is enormously complicated and more and more people are, despite the difficulties, encouraging to start their own personal business, putting their effort and knowledge at the service of what they are passionate about.

Entrepreneurs suppose an immense wealth but most of them explain that they have had to overcome fears and ideas instilled from children: you will not get it, get a good job and swallow with what they throw you, nobody will trust you, security is better (what security?) than adventure, everything is already invented ...

As well, educate entrepreneurs from children It is possible, of course it is. How to achieve it?

More than imposing discipline, helping to exercise freedom while respecting the limits of others. More than repeating what others write, daring to create their own projects. More than evaluating yourself for what you don't know, valuing what you have learned. More than controlling your creativity so that it does not go beyond what is established, encouraging you to develop new ideas, proposals and solutions. More than marking the path, letting you build it.

With confidence in your dreams and your goals. Encouraging you to discover your passion. Teaching you to develop projects, to look for information, to collaborate with others rather than compete for the best grade.

Applauding your initiative more than the result marked externally. Providing you with practical tools. Promoting oral expression and collaboration. The educators are willing to learn from you, rather than to teach them always.

Therefore, so that our children can build and choose their future, design new businesses, invent solutions that encompass all the variables of a problem, for all this, for the future of those children, My proposal to change education today is this: let's educate entrepreneurs.