Proposals to change Education: summer learning

We talked yesterday about how useless summer duties are and how much children will actually learn on vacation if we leave them or help them. That's why today, my proposal to change Education, they will be ideas and tips to accompany and promote summer learning.

The freedom of schedules and the power, almost always, to spend a few days outside the usual city, already represent an extraordinary opportunity for learning in summer, much greater than carrying school tasks.

But, in addition, we can program ourselves and carry out specific activities that are sure that children and we will enjoy and that they will provide, in summer, unforgettable, experiential and active lessons.

Being aware of how much, very much that children learn at home and in the summer is already a proposal to change Education with their own weight. And if, in addition, we organize ourselves to provide opportunities consciously, we will see how, in reality, maybe it will be when they will learn the most.

Nature Excursions

If we live in the city we will have few opportunities to enjoy the healthy and enriching direct contact with Nature, how necessary it is for the balance and creativity of children. Now is the time.

Take a walk in the forest, climb a mountain, walk along the paths, collect leaves and stones, observe animals and plants, discover the changes of the sky and the stars ... all that means a true learning of the environment.

And this is, let's not forget, it is much more real than anything we can find in any school book. Let's take advantage of the summer to encourage contact with the life around us preparing nature excursions as "wild" as possible and also to encourage children to exercise by exploring it.

Cultural visits

Just as we should plan excursions in the forest and the countryside, to the best of our ability, we can also take advantage of the holidays to take children to know new cities and towns with historical and artistic interest, of which, without a doubt, will take memories and knowledge that will remain settled in his memory.

Imagine what the child will learn by visiting The Alhambra, Toledo, the pre-Romanesque churches in Asturias, prehistoric caves, the Sagrada Familia, the Roman Tarraco, Numancia, Segóbriga, the cathedral of León, the Madrid of the Austrias.

Without leaving Spain there is a lot of culture to know first hand, being present and not just studying. And if you plan a trip to another country, the trip itself and the new culture will already be a great new knowledge that you can use to complete it with explanations and a visit of cultural interest.

Whatever your training you can accompany the visits with explanations, now the internet is an excellent source of information that you can use to become the guides and teachers of your children.

In addition, even without leaving your city, surely there are some museums, exhibitions and monuments that you can visit with them. In summer, many places also plan cultural activities Especially designed for families. I assure you that they are a great source of learning for the little ones, much more than doing homework on vacation.

If you travel there is much to learn from the people. Life in rural areas, customs and festivals with their meaning, the small church, farms and farm work. Look for nearby places: monasteries, towns with old squares, houses with noble shields, archaeological remains ... all that is also learning at your fingertips.

I have not finished. He summer offers many more learning possibilities In addition to the naturalistic or cultural visits, and, tomorrow, I will tell you how to change Education we can start doing it with our children on a vacation without schoolwork.