Less than half of mothers breastfeed their babies up to six months

The Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has announced the results of a 'National Survey on Breastfeeding Habits' that has been developed by the Spanish Working Group of the Global Breastfeeding Initiative.

569 Spanish mothers with children under two years of age have been consulted, and it has been concluded that less than half of mothers breastfeed their babies up to six months, when the WHO recommendation is to breastfeed at least up to six months exclusively and up to two years with complementary feeding.

More survey data

Of the total number of mothers surveyed, the 89% were breastfeeding or breastfeeding their children, 60% had given but had suspended it, while the remaining 29% was giving.

A 11% had chosen not to. Among the main reasons: having had problems with previous breastfeeding, followed by "I have not raised milk", and at the same level, by labor incorporation or, here the most worrying, "because I prefer artificial milk."

69% of women breastfed until the baby turned three months, 38% until 6 months and 18% until two years.

Most mothers (81%) are aware that breastfeeding protects the baby from diseases and infections, which is the most natural method (78%) and half consider it a personal satisfaction.

So what is failing? Why does that majority not continue breastfeeding until six months?

Of course, it is a very personal decision and we are not going to enter the confrontation mothers who breastfeed versus mothers who do not give it, because it is absurd. They are decisions and all equally respectable. But any of the impediments are solvable if the woman prefers to continue breastfeeding, the problem is that many do not know.

Why they stopped breastfeeding

The main reason is "every time I had less milk" and the incorporation to work, followed by "my son gained little weight" and "I didn't think it necessary to continue."

When consulting why they had begun to give formula milk, the main reason they do it is the incorporation to work and attention, "because the pediatrician recommended it to me." It is followed by arguments such as "I wished my husband-partner could also participate", "I was older" and "I have read that it is good".

Among the three main problems of breastfeeding, mothers have said that it is difficult to combine it with work activity, that it is uncomfortable to breastfeed in public and that the breasts lose firmness.

When asked about the best age for weaning, there is a diversity of opinions, but the majority (38%) believe that from 6 to 12 months, while only 7% considers that from 2 to more than 2 and a half years.

So what is failing?

While mothers are aware that breast milk is the best for their baby, there is still a lot of work to be done to promote and promote breastfeeding. Above all, information and want to be informed.

First of all, the mother’s conviction that every woman can breastfeed her baby.

Hypogalactia, supposed lack of milk, is widespread but most of the time it is not real. We are programmed to do so, with a minority being women who do not really have milk production after birth.

The father, although not of the tit, can support the mother in breastfeeding. It is not necessary to give a bottle to participate at the moment. The return to work does not have to interrupt breastfeeding. You can pump and leave it stored for your baby to drink even if you are not. In addition, there are work permits for breastfeeding. You don't have to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public, and if you do, you can cover yourself discreetly. The weight gain is very relative, do not stop breastfeeding because it does not reach the weight of the boards.

Apart from that, there are other factors that help little and nothing for mother and baby to have a happy breastfeeding. The advertising of formula milk equating it in benefits to breast milk, or giving away bottles and samples of milk in hospital baskets, for example. This is where the importance of being well informed about breastfeeding, its benefits, problems that may arise and how to solve them comes in.

Breastfeeding is a matter of health importance. Together we can help improve it. Good practices such as the non-separation of the baby at birth, early contact, the support of the healthcare staff in the hospital, the pediatrician, the breastfeeding groups and the companies are keys for breastfeeding babies to increase.