Ideas for cooking with children: 'My favorite recipes' is a recipe book made by and for kids

Gastromedia is a studio specialized in the production of gastronomic photographs and audiovisuals. They have been embarked on a project that has allowed them to publish this fantastic recipe book for children that they now make known.

It would not have been possible without the collaboration of the Infant School Gloria Fuertes de Soto del Real (Madrid). They are the ones they have related their favorite dishes, preparing (with the help of fathers and mothers) explanations and illustrations, which served as the basis for Gastromedia to cook and photograph each of the dishes. It is therefore a recipe book not only 'for children', but also made 'by children'. Something similar did during the past year the students of my son's class (Primary room), only as they were older they wrote the recipes they had asked parents, grandparents and neighbors, and looked for images to accompany them.

These are the goals of 'My favorite recipes':

  • Involve teachers, children and parents in an initiative to raise awareness about the importance of cooking at home, talking about food, recipes, utensils.

  • Introduce the kids in the world of food, which will have great influence on their lives.

  • Help families to have a recipe book in which to find resources to try new things. By being collaborative, community is created with parents and students.

This is a recipe book full of freshness, characterized by professions that are the names of the classrooms in the Infant School. You will find spoon dishes, sweets, salty cakes, rice dishes, creams, fruit dishes, ... in short a very interesting compendium in which there are many ideas to cook everyday dishes in your homes, and those a little more special.

From Gastromedia they say that they have liked this experience very much, not only because they have discovered that this child's favorite recipes are really elaborate and succulent proposals; but also when checking that the children participated very actively in the initiative which allowed them to express their preferences also in a meeting with those responsible for the company.