Signs of dyslexia in infants and preschool children

The dyslexia It is a problem of literacy, a neuronal disorder that hinders the ability to learn to read and write, which needs to be detected as soon as possible. Therefore, it is essential to be attentive to Signs of dyslexia in infants and preschool children.

It is usually diagnosed in the first years of primary school, but the child can already give signs from the preschool stage. We have already talked about the importance of detecting dyslexia before developing it, even before they start reading and writing, to avoid the negative consequences, such as teasing or school failure, which are often faced by undiagnosed dyslexic children.

In infants and preschoolers we find some indicators, although not decisive, that the child may be dyslexic. For example:

  • Present background (parents, siblings, other dyslexic relatives).
  • Difficulty to hold the head at three months and try to take objects that we put in front of them.
  • Psychomotor immaturity with respect to babies of the same age: coordination, balance and lateralization problems. They usually take longer to learn to ride a tricycle or bicycle.
  • Delay in learning to speak clearly about your classmates' average.
  • Difficulty expressing
  • Confuse words whose pronunciation resemble their phonetics.
  • Difficulty remembering to remember series and sequences such as the days of the week, the name of the colors, or to learn songs and rhymes characteristic of preschool, as well as to follow musical rhythms.
  • Confusion in vocabulary that has to do with spatial orientation.
  • Alternation of "good" and "bad" days in nursery school for no apparent reason.
  • Difficulty recognizing letters, as well as associating phonemes with graphemes.
  • Delayed structuring and recognition of the body scheme.
  • Little skill for manual exercises and spelling.
  • When they start writing, do it counterclockwise.
  • Very sensitive personality, perfectionist, curious, with sudden mood swings.
  • Sleep problems: either you have a very deep sleep or you wake up too easily.

These possible Signs of dyslexia in infants and preschool children It allows parents to be attentive to how the child develops and act as soon as possible if we see that it is necessary.

Video: Helping Kids With Dyslexia (May 2024).