The citizen consultation will collect until October 17 the opinion of the citizens on the educational policy of the Government

Do you know what the Citizen Consultation for Education is? Perhaps you have already encountered this campaign at your children's school or Institute. It was launched last Monday, and will be valid until October 13.

It has been convened by the State Platform for Public Education, and it is intended to know the opinion of the Spaniards on the cuts and educational policies of the Government (such as the LOMCE and the RD of Scholarships). The initiative includes the installation of tables in the immediate vicinity of educational centers, nursery schools, colleges, institutes and university faculties throughout the country, as well as in some nerve centers of the main cities.

The Platform is composed of FETE-UGT, CEAPA, Student Union, MRP, CGT, EAPA, FAEST AND FE-CC.OO; According to statements of their representatives, citizens reject the educational policies deployed by our Government, and with this campaign, they want to demonstrate

The so-called "green tide" articulated through this Platform, will request the Government after the results collected by the Consultation, which "remove educational cuts", and the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality.

Most likely you will run into the next few days with consultation tables at the entrance of the educational and university centers, organized by associations of fathers and mothers, students and teachers of each center; You can also access informative events. The results obtained will be delivered to the Moncloa Palace on October 17.

It should be noted that this campaign is part of a broader mobilization calendar, within which a general strike in education will be called on October 24, and a march on Madrid on November 9. These proposals coincide with the processing of the Wert law Two days ago he faced the debate on partial amendments in the Education Committee of the Congress.

Any citizen over 14 years of age can participate in this consultation, and you can also do it through this website.

Video: Canada Votes 2019: Election call special (May 2024).