"Once upon a time": a new opportunity for the stories of always

If you are a father or mother, and especially if you have daughters, you will have noticed that the stories of always, those who told us as children and bring us such good memories, carry implicit messages somewhat outdated and somewhat removed from what Today we intend to transmit to children.

Beautiful women who must wait for the arrival of a man who saves them. Submissive women who must accept their destiny. Women capable of supporting and trying to change "beast" men, with their love, to make them loving people. Children abandoned in the forest by their parents, at the mercy of terrible wolves or witches and a long etcetera. The fact is that many parents have happened to us that, reading these stories, we have ended up skipping the parts that we considered distant from today, or we have simply finished reading more modern stories. However, these stories may still have a second chance and that's why it is born "Once upon a time", a project to offer the usual stories from a more egalitarian and responsible vision.

A project in Verkami

For now it is just a project in Verkami in search of financing to become a reality. The good news is that in a few days, in a few days, have already reached the necessary figure to be able to carry it out, and that they still have 32 days to complete the proposal.

For now they will renew three stories: Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. As they explain they are not new stories, nor have they modernized them. They have simply wanted to eliminate sexism, violence and inequality that we could find in them, keeping the stories and fantasy that they have always carried with them and that have made them timeless.

The stories will be, as planned, for Before the end of the year, with the intention that the day of Kings, whoever wants, can think of them as a possible gift.

Once upon a time It is a project of Cuatro Tuercas, a couple of which we have already spoken on another occasion, which, as I have said, have already obtained the funds. However, if you are interested you can also become a patron, since that way you will get the stories at a cheaper price than they will finally have, or with gifts and exclusive details.

Video: Will Smith Surprises Viral Video Classmates for Their Kindness (May 2024).