Surprising Christmas: Santa Claus and the Magi are here again to congratulate the children with a video

In my house they are already a classic. Christmas is coming and so much Santa Claus Like the wise men They send a video to my children showing them a picture of them, they explain that they know their age, that they know what they are doing very well and that there are things that could be improved. They, of course, hallucinate with it, and that they know (or I think they know), that Christmas gifts are made by parents, grandparents and uncles.

In Babies and more It is also a classic because for four years we have notified you of this resource so that you all have the opportunity to surprise your children with the videos of these characters that so many surprises bring them the days that await them most. This year, not to vary, we tell you that You can now create the amazing Christmas videos.

The operation is the same as always. We enter the page, choose the "Create video" option and follow the instructions. We can choose to write the letter, create a congratulation or create a video. I always choose this option, that of the video, because it is the most fun.

The video has a history mode, that is to say, they are really two videos, watching the first one now and arriving the second few days after having seen the first one. The steps to make the videos are very simple. We choose Santa Claus or the Magi, the name of the child and his age, we upload a photo to be seen in the video (if you do not upload it the video becomes the same, but it is cooler with photo) and we say what is it What is best for our son and what we think should improve. As always, they do not say it in a guilty way, in the plan "we are observing you" or "we know what you do and how you behave badly we do not bring you anything", but simply comments on it as points to be taken into account.

Once the video is made, a link to the video arrives in our e-mail, in order to see it as many times as we want, or as many times as they want.

I have already made their videos and I will show them later, when they return from school. Surely they are as funny as every year. Now we just have to write the letters and wait for the second part to arrive.

If you have done them for other years, I encourage you to do so (if you like Christmas paraphernalia). If you have never done them, try it. You can congratulate even other relatives or adult friends.

Website | Amazing Christmas In Babies and more | Amazing Christmas: surprise your children with a video of Santa Claus or the Magi, one more year, Amazing Christmas: congratulate your children with a video of Santa Claus or the Magi, Surprise children with a video of Papa Noël or the three wise men

Video: Winnipeg Santa Claus parade (July 2024).