Summary of the week from December 4 to 10 in Peques and More

This week in Peques and More we highlight a interview to the illustrator Spanish Miguel Calero who explains, among many other things, how tablets provide a series of features and educational features that paper does not have. Also this week we brought two sad news because Fernando Argenta, the greatest popular music popularizer for children with The concert and Nelson Mandela who has left the recognition for integration and his dedication to childhood.

The report PISA 2012 and seven of our Autonomous Communities exceed the OECD average in Mathematics. Although the results are clearly insufficient and we have to continue reflecting on the causes and effects that PISA will have in the medium term in Spanish education. Meanwhile in South Korea, one of the top countries among those of the OECD, the authorities care about their teenagers' obsessive relationship with technology.

And we are very close to the Christmas and we have already spent the weekend in which all the families of Spain decorate their house with trees, nativity scenes, garlands, lights and prepare their tables to celebrate the most significant events. This proposal for Christmas Eve with these cookies decorated vintage style or this Christmas craft to make simple trees with a beautiful finish that can give you many ideas. We also talk about the Storytelling Account, a children's gift to learn how to use the calendar and discover the secrets of each month.

In toys We present Toymail, a toy so that messages can be sent to children. In Peques and Más we are very fans of Scribblenauts Unlimited that is now available for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Another game for these parties is Bamboleo, which requires skill and reasoning very fun although it is recommended for children over nine years.

In the Health we talk about Alain Afflelou and his commitment to audiology to treat childhood hearing disability. We also talked about this project on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities that serves to claim the right to a education inclusive. We also introduce a five-year-old girl to Savannah Hensley who spoke with the Emergency Department to help her sick father. And we finish this section talking about the children of the key who are those who return home from school and remain alone at home until the rest of the family returns.

In matters of responsibility We talked about the National Police campaign that sends a message of prevention and action against bullying. We also present the world of football and children with the movie Black diamonds. And at home, if your son has liedFirst, find out the cause and then show the consequences of the lies. And to end the solidarity causes we talk about TecnoNavidad an initiative #PorlosPeques for solidarity purposes for Juegaterapia.

In these days we have enjoyed leisure and for those who come we propose the more than 270 objects you can see in the Fernando Alonso Collection exhibition in the Canal Art Center from Madrid. We also went to play and meet the Invizimals at the station Prince Pius from Madrid. And for those who stayed at home, the Invizimals could be seen on television with the movie Invizimals: The Alliance. In the Madrid Zoo lives the male panda bear born in August 2013 and will be called Xing Bao after the popular vote. And we talk about a movie premiere which comes on December 13 with Free Birds (go turkeys) to start the corral. And for that same age group, you can now get the movie Planes in DVD and Blu-ray format.

For parents wanting to theater We remind you that next weekend Tyl Tyl brings the pocket theater for teenagers and an adaptation of Thumb. And although Spain is not yet Netflix, however it is already producing its first children's series for children that will premiere at Christmas 2013 in many countries except ours.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!

Video: Top 5 Мagicians. Britain's Got Talent 2017 (May 2024).