Have you seen this video yet? A child of only nine years who is able to express ideas on very abstract topics

This nine year old is expressed as an open book or better, and during three minutes he tells us about the universe and the possible relationship of our world with others (and about more topics you will discover when watching the video). It is very small, so it surely influences the fact of having intact the ability to think, ask questions and be amazed by its surroundings

Children can be little philosophers, why not? we just have to allow it; and they're smart, there's no doubt about that, although we don't always trust their abilities. The video does not need many explanations, but I found the answer to the question 'What is the meaning of our lives?' A genius, it is when it says 'it is one of the most difficult questions I read'. I have read comments about this video that are full of skepticism, that if he has learned it by heart (very doubtful with that age), that if he is reading, that if an adult has told him 'do this' and he has done it… .

I do not know if the video is made with the intention of making us believe something that is not, but the child appears spontaneity and naturalness. It is not the first time that I see a small child thinking that way, although I know that the normal thing is that the little ones try to express 'Ideas' and nobody listens to them.

On the other hand, at that age one is already going way of acquiring abstract thinking, so why shouldn't it be real? One of the things that makes me think that he elaborates his ideas without conditions is the way he moves and his facial gestures when he speaks. Finally, the vast language that it has cannot be the result of memorization, but of the need to express, and above all, to read a lot.

I hope you like it.

Video: Rational Numbers. #aumsum (May 2024).