Curious campaigns of some countries to increase the birth rate

We do not live in a world that is considered to be a real option to have a large family, at least for most of us. In some cases, even to increase the family by a single member, we must do more calculations than when planning a vacation on Mars.

Many countries have realized this serious problem and unlike ours, they have got to work. They know that it is not possible to maintain a company if the renewal rate is negative. Soon the aging of society will be such that no one can maintain pension systems or take care of the citizens themselves, medical expenses will skyrocket and without a young mass that defies those costs the future has a very bad color. You see, it's not that the state loves to see children run around their cities, it's more for the interest I love you Andres, but at least we have certain curious campaigns of some countries to increase the birth rate They can help today's families.


We already know that the Danes have always taken their birth rate into account, and now they are facing a severe and worrying decline that has caused the Danish state to launch a campaign prompting the Danes to go on a romantic weekend and return with Some extra luggage, you understand me. However, the video makes it clearer:


With a birth rate of less than one, it is one of the countries with a rather aggressive policy in this regard, so much so that in 2012 the state decided to declare the night of August 9 as National Night sponsored, grab that curves come, by Mentos. Yes, those of candies, and what does the company of menthol candies paint in all this? Well, I don't know either, it will be to avoid bad breath and thus fulfill more comfortably with the fulfillment of the patriotic duty, and do not look at me that way, because it is how they have taken it, "I am a patriotic husband, you are a wife patriotic ... Let's practice patriotism all night. " It is a pity that it is only one day a year.

And not only have they been haranguing their citizens that day, but they have also issued laws that limit the number of apartments for "loners" that can be built per block, apart from spending $ 1.3 billion on birth policies, a baby check of $ 15,000 per child, tax reduction and extension of maternity leave.

South Korea

Korea has one of the lowest birth rates In developed countries, 1.6 children per woman of childbearing age are suffering the consequences of the policies of the 70s and 80s that supported small families.

Today, the South Korean government is striving to remove one of the greatest concerns of its compatriots, which is to be able to pay for their children's education, which is why it has reduced enrollment rates by half, reduced taxes and trying to eliminate the idea that a university degree is necessary to succeed in life.

But apart from these policies, it is maintaining more "interesting" ones such as turning off the lights of state offices at seven in the afternoon on the third Wednesday of each month, called the "family day", so that your employees can go home to be with their children and their partner. And it is already known that rubbing makes love.


In Russia they have done something similar to the previous ones and have declared September 12 as the national day of conception. A "curious" measure is that if a woman gives birth on Russian National Day June 12, she can earn a refrigerator, money and even a car. I prefer not to know the number of caesarean sections scheduled for that date.

In 2011, the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin He said that in the coming years they would allocate some 33 billion pounds in pro-natal policies.

And here what?

I hope someone pays attention to our birth rate since with 1.35 children by SpanishAt the age of having children we are not going to throw rockets, in fact a long time since they should have gotten to work, the state I mean, with the promotion of social and economic measures that encourage the increase of birth rates.

We cannot continue to hide in the crisis or put great weight on raising and caring for our children in their grandparents. It is time to lay the foundations of our future and that of the following generations.

Well, maybe here we could do a type campaign "Saturday sabadete ..."

Video: Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version (July 2024).