My Value and Fundación CODESPA present a solidarity calculator that also helps optimize the domestic economy and the CODESPA Foundation they throw the solidarity calculator. It is a tool with which anyone can know what they would save if they stopped having some expenses that they can or want to do without and thus be able to invest it in help people without resources.

The application, very easy to use, allows the user to enter the amount spent on products or services such as drinks or a taxi and what would be the time in which he would be willing to stop consuming that product to save. The calculator shows what the total amount of that savings and offers different options for donate the amounts. The donation will be destined to cover the Nicaraguan poor peasant needs who live in Jinotega and that way they can opt to receive microcredits to acquire tools, seeds, training courses that facilitate them to improve crops, increase income and access a more sustainable and lasting standard of living. Jinotega It is a rural community where more than 69.1% of the population suffers from food insecurity and does not have access to basic food.

José Ignacio González-Aller is the CODESPA General Director which indicates that “thanks to the MyValue solidarity collaboration, we can offer this original and innovative application. The objective is to raise awareness about the fact that any person can dedicate an amount, however small, to fight poverty in the world. We can all invest, that expense that we can do without, in which the most vulnerable people can have an opportunity to get ahead and thus get out of the poverty situation in which they live. ”

further Andrés Romerales, Founder and CEO of He explained that ”our studies reveal that 78% of Spaniards claim not to plan their economy. We are not really aware of how easy it is to save a little to use it for social purposes. For us it is very gratifying to have developed a tool like the Solidarity Calculator which illustrates that helping is easier than it seems. We are sure that you will have a good response. The Spaniards are very generous and with this fun game they will be encouraged to contribute their grain of sand to the exceptional work that CODESPA does ”.

From Codespa and MyValue inform us that this awareness campaign is part of the agreement funded by the AECID Community microfinance and rural microfinance services in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

The CODESPA Foundation It is a non-profit organization with years of experience in international development cooperation. For 28 years CODESPA has managed more than 800 projects in 33 countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia and has helped millions of people have been able to improve their living conditions. Its Honorary President is S.A.R. The Prince of Asturias. launched in January 2012 the first free application of Personal Finance Management independent in the Spanish market. MyValue allows you to access the information downloaded from financial institutions and combine them in a single site to facilitate management. The application is very visual and includes presentation of movements in a very graphic way with all expenses sorted by category, you can set savings goals and control investments and insurance among other features.