If you are looking for pregnancy, take care of cholesterol levels

High cholesterol levels can affect people's health in many ways, and new research has shown that male and female fertility can be reduced if there is high cholesterol. Therefore, if you are looking for pregnancy you have to keep cholesterol at bay.

And also obesity, which is often related to poor diet that increases cholesterol levels at the same time. Remember that the "bad cholesterol" accumulates in the walls of the arteries and forms a plaque that hinders the circulation of blood that reaches the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

In case it was not enough reason to monitor their levels, we now know that fertility can also be affected, both by men and women, so that couples thinking of increasing the family should also take it into account.

The study has been conducted by researchers at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute in the United States and has been published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism."

It is titled "Lipid Concentrations and Couple Fecundity: The LIFE Study." Or 'Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment' (the LIFE was designed to determine the relationship between fertility and exposure to environmental chemicals and lifestyle).

He took data from 501 couples who planned to have a baby and who provided blood tests for researchers to measure their cholesterol levels.

They checked that those couples whose two members have hypercholesterolemia took longer to achieve pregnancy than those with normal cholesterol levels. When it was only the woman who had high cholesterol levels, the same thing happened and in the conclusions of the study the authors point out the importance of these levels in both partners.

Therefore, cholesterol is another element that must be controlled and monitored during preconception visits, as it could interfere with the woman becoming pregnant. The best thing to avoid it, eating a healthy diet, rich in hydration, fruits and vegetables, low trans fat and exercise regularly.

Its about first study that has proven that cholesterol is important in fertility (although previously suspected), regardless of other factors, such as age, weight, race, education ... So you know, you have to lead a healthy lifestyle even before pregnancy and this issue (also) is a matter of two .