Family vacations, now what ?: keys of an expert so that we all enjoy

Most of us face summer vacations with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Not only because we want to disconnect from the maelstrom of day to day and routines, but because we yearn to spend family time.

But it may happen that those family days that we so longed for and imagined without stress and laughing, end up becoming a time of overwhelm, lack of understanding and discussions. And it is that things do not always go as we want, and in many occasions summer vacations are something that we idealize, probably influenced by what we see in social networks.

We have spoken with Ana Asensio, a doctor in Neuroscience, a child psychologist and author of Lives in Positive. Since his training and experience, he has offered us a series of tips to live family vacations fully, and knowing how to fully enjoy what she considers an "adventure of life".

The importance of rest

The holidays are so that all family members can rest as much as possible. And sometimes, depending on the moment we are living, it may be necessary to seek outside help in camps, caregivers, grandparents ... because charging the battery is essential.

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Know how to adapt to live together

On vacation we spend much more time with our family; free time, without routines or schedules. This implies a much closer and more intense coexistence, so a change of mentality is necessary to adapt to new spaces and activities.

As at any other time in our daily routine, vacations can also lead to stress. Applying a dose of patience, understanding and humor will help us cope.

Ana Asensio also reminds us of the importance of be aware of the personal moment we are livingWell, it is not the same to spend a holiday with a baby, than with older children or teenagers. In this regard, these are its recommendations:

  • Parents know that raising a baby or toddler can be very demanding on a physical level, and lack of sleep, crying, routines or demand will continue regardless of the holidays.

And is that Babies do not understand if their parents are on vacation and want to rest, so it is important to take this moment as an opportunity to connect with our baby, his tenderness, love, vulnerability, purity ...

  • As children grow up, the physical demand is lower and this makes it possible to have more spaces of rest. However, a new challenge appears and it is the psychological demand, since they get bored more, they want to negotiate everything, fights between brothers arise ...

Once again it becomes essential to know how to manage these moments with emotional intelligence, and if we connect with our children, their laughter, concerns and their way of seeing the world, we will surely have an unforgettable vacation.

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  • What if we left on vacation with our teenage children We should know that the situations we live with them daily will also continue. But the expert advises us to take advantage of these moments of disconnection to get closer to our children, their reality, their worries and their emotions, also taking into account the importance of respecting their space.

Reconnect with those we love most

And in line with what we just said, it is essential take advantage of summer vacations to (re) connect with our children and our partner, because the maelstrom of the day is "burning" that connection, and the holidays offer us the perfect opportunity to recover it.

Reconnecting with our children will make us discover the wonder that is inside and see them beyond the behaviors they perform, and that sometimes, in our daily routines, both stress us.

But vacations can also be an opportunity to (re) meet with our partner and take advantage of the time together to talk about issues that have nothing to do with household management or day-to-day logistics.

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Keep your mind open

We should not idealize vacations, as in any other moment of life situations that alter the planned plans may occur.

This happens especially when there are young children (tantrums when we least expect it, dizziness in the car, banal diseases ...), although as they grow they also arise other challenges that can hinder coexistence, such as discussions or lack of appetite when participating in Family plans

Given these types of situations, the expert advises two things:

  • Lean on the couple and team up to prevent moments of stress and tension ending in discussions.

  • Maintain a loving and positive attitude, and welcome the moment we are living with the greatest possible maturity. Because surely it is a punctual situation that does not happen again, so relativizing time and events can be of great help.

Definitely, Holidays and family spaces allow us to live intensely all these moments with a greater presence and availability, while we take the opportunity to reconnect with the essence of those we love most.

Photos | iStock

Acknowledgments | Ana Asensio, author of Lives in Positive.

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