"If mom says white, dad says black": a beautiful story about separation

What happens when dad and mom don't love each other anymore? They don't love me? Am i to blame How to make them love each other again? The questions and the child's feelings about the divorce of his parents they can be very varied and the book "If mom says white, dad says black" He wants to help parents and children address them and make the process more understandable and lightweight for the little ones.

It is a beautifully illustrated story that shows the evolution of a family, since the parents were "boyfriends" and loved each other until later and after the arrival of the children, who were very desired, they begin to argue and disagree in everything: mom says white and dad says black.

The story, aimed at young children, clearly shows the misunderstanding of children in this situation and the feeling of guilt they may have. But mom and dad explain that they will always love their children. The story is also about the feelings that children go through after separation from their parents: anguish, anger, sadness ...

Since divorce is difficult for all the people involved, the story serves both parents and children. But especially for children who face an unexpected event, for which they are not prepared and over which they have no control.

In the end, respecting the children and the ex-partner, leaving them very clear that they are the first and will continue to want whatever happens, talking and listening to them, the children have peace of mind again and understand that they can also be happy.

The author of "If Mom Says White, Dad Says Black" is Pilar Serrano, teacher and storyteller and author of other children's stories. The artist and illustrator of the beautiful drawings, which attract the attention of young and old, is María José Sanabria Villamor and the set seems to me to be great.

The children's book on parental separation "If mom says white dad says black" It is from IDAMPA Editorial and can be found in bookstores for about 12 euros (hardcover, 36 pages). Highly recommended for all those children who ask a thousand questions to those parents who now only discuss ...

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