How often do you read to your children? the question of the week

As you already know, every week we ask you a question so that you answer it in our Answers section and vote for the responses of other users. We also announce the most voted response of the previous week.

On this occasion, to get to know you a little more, we want to ask you about reading to your children, precious shared moments that sometimes we find difficult to find:

How often do you read to your children?

We have just learned that pediatricians in the United States will recommend reading to children every day, but can we accomplish this? Do we read them once a week, every other day, several times a day? When do they like to hear you read? Before sleep? Or do you prefer not to read and tell stories without following a book?

Last week's question

Last week Lola asked you how long was your birth? and we have obtained very varied answers. There have been quite short deliveries, like those of Meryrodri, which lasted the first two hours and a half and the second hour and a half, Marichollos (1 hour and 30 minutes), Bryanditha ...

On the contrary, other deliveries were lengthened more, so tell us Sereducadora (15 hours), Mizar28 (14 hours) ...

Iskandervv tells us how it happened:

Well, my bag broke at six o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, although I had been not having painful contractions since the morning. Logically I entered that same afternoon, but they left me alone until the next morning when they already decided to put me oxytocin, and at about half past eleven they were already very painful contractions, and I asked for the epidural, which they did not put me until one to not stop the dilation . Of course, at half past three, the midwife came and was surprised at how dilated she was, so running to the delivery room. My son was born at 16.03, although with the help of forceps.

The two deliveries of Besosdemami happened differently:

The first birth was in week 40 + 6, and the process lasted a little more than 30 hours: I broke waters but had no contractions, they left me admitted and put me prostaglandin but I did not start with labor contractions until 22 hours after having broken waters . From there, very painful contractions (of kidneys) until five hours later they put on my epidural, and after that another three hours with a very fast expulsive. In the case of the second birth, it lasted approximately 5 hours, it was in the exact 41st week, I entered to be induced, I had no contraction, they gave me oxytocin, an hour and a half later they broke my bag, and from there Everything went pretty fast, I held on for two and a half hours without epidural, then I asked for it, and it had the right effect to feel everything but with a controllable pain, three bids, and my baby in my arms.

We appreciate all these contributions and encourage you to read the rest of the comments that the experiences of your births tell us. Now, the new question of the week Now available in our Answers section. You have seven days to answer it, as well as to vote the responses of others.