Personality disorders in children as a result of permissiveness and overprotection

The head of the Psychiatry service of the Nuestra Señora de Gracia hospital in Zaragoza, Vicente Rubio Larrosa, provides an interesting explanation about some of the causes that cause personality disorders in children. As indicated by the expert in the digital publication Red Aragón, only 30% of cases are related to brain damage, with biological or genetic components, so 70% of cases of personality disorders are the result of education and the environment in which it grows.

There are many differences perceived by a child who, after growing up in his home with an excess of permissiveness and overprotection, finds the opposite in society, an excess of competitiveness where compassion does not exist and causes frustration.

Logically parents are not going to act with their children just as the rest of society did, but it is necessary that the child understand from an early age that there are limits and norms, that the world does not revolve around him and that life real holds various situations with unexpected outcomes. "The personality disorder is a disorder of the way of being," says Rubio, in addition to resolving that the incidence is increasing. Borderline or borderline personality disorder is one of the most common forms of personality disorder.

It does not fail to scare the number that indicates the possible fatal outcomes that this disorder can cause, in severe cases, up to 10% of patients may think about suicide.

The Spanish Society for Personality Disorder Tomorrow brings together more than a hundred psychiatrists from all over the world tomorrow, experts will contribute and discuss the different cases that can occur and the therapeutic intervention they may need.

Video: Childhood Obesity, #1 cause: Lazy, Overindulgent, Shamefully Ignorant Parenting (May 2024).