The four stages of child development according to Piaget (I)

Piaget pointed out four stages in the child's development, which presents in a very simple and clear way the video that I bring you today. I think that approaching these issues is an important tool for educators and psychologists, but also for parents.

Piaget was an important evolutionary psychologist Swiss who lived in the last century and revolutionized the study of the stages of children's cognitive development, thereby providing a basis on which to support any educational action.

Who studies Piaget He will never be able to contemplate his son as before and will understand better how he learns and that he can respect him more consciously, through knowledge. Jean Piaget called his theory, genetic constructivism. It explains the development of knowledge in the child as a process of developing intellectual mechanisms.

His theory is called Genetic Constructivism and recognizes a series of stages that can be generalized in human children. When reviewing them, again, I wonder if our education system and the knowledge it offers really and the way of transmitting it will not be counterproductive and will require small skills prematurely, preventing its development from being gradual and coherent.

I will analyze these four stages of child development according to Piaget on a next topic.

Video | Youtube

Video: Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development (May 2024).