Programamos is a free educational project to bring programming to kids

We program is a non-profit organization what do you expect bring programming to education from childhood to training cycles as you can read on its website. For this, visual programming languages ​​are used to create video games and mobile app easily. They aim to share the experience with other teachers, educational centers and families to explain the great advantages of this new methodology in teaching. The challenge is promote the development of computational thinking from an early age using videogames programming and mobile applications at all school stages.

What you want to achieve We program It is to change the way in which students relate to technology from being a consumer to a creator where imagination, autonomy and personal initiative of students have more prominence. This initiative also includes developing a website with educational materials that allows any teacher of any educational level and discipline to use it to introduce this change of attitude of children and young people to technology in their classroom.

The creators of We program They are a team of restless and committed people who believe that it is necessary to innovate to be able to adapt to the new times in which the students, and I would dare to say to their environment, have the possibility of becoming facilitators rather than mere consumers of technology.

On the Program page you can see that they are very fans of Scratch, as a simple tool for creating video games, and App Inventor, designed for the development of apps for mobile devices, and which are driven by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Programmers think they are the ideal tool to lead change and that although it is possible to make very sophisticated programs you can also build very colorful and flashy programs in a simple way for beginners to work.

In Programamos they have a blog from which they inform about the news that they include in their pages and what happens with the programming in the world: initiatives, proposals, success stories, calls, etc.

As the initiative seems very interesting, I think it is necessary to contact those responsible for Programming to know more details about the project.

Video: Code Combat Introduction - A fun way for kids to learn how to code! (July 2024).