'Too Young to Drink', shocking campaign to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome

The European Alliance has launched an impressive campaign entitled Too Young to Drink (Too Young to Drink) in which we can see a baby inside a bottle to raise awareness about alcohol consumption during pregnancy and prevent fetal alcohol syndrome.

Alcohol easily crosses the placenta and affects the unborn baby, causing all kinds of complications. From malformations of the head and face, neurological disorders, learning difficulties, language delay, behavioral disorders and epilepsy.

In Europe, at least 2% of the child population has fetal alcohol syndrome and the sequelae are permanent. There is no solution, but prevention by saying no to alcohol in pregnancy.

It is believed that moderate consumption does not affect the baby, but the truth is that there is no limit on consumer safety. It is impossible to know how much alcohol passes through the placenta and the damage it can cause at a specific time during pregnancy, therefore the recommendation is not to drink not a drop of alcohol during pregnancy. Total abstinence

The worldwide prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome is estimated to be 0.97 per 1,000 live births. There are countries where it is a true epidemic: in South Africa, it is estimated that they have between 70 and 80 of every 1,000 babies born; In Russia, alcohol consumption rates are increasingly high and their increase in young women of childbearing age is of concern.

If you watch this video about the effects of drinking alcohol in pregnancy you will think twice before taking that "glass" or that swallow. It is worth waiting a few months for the health of your baby.