
It seems impossible, right? We have always learned that babies are created by joining a sperm with an egg, and that the DNA of these two cells is combined to create a unique individual with half the mother's DNA and half the father's DNA. How can we involve a third person in this process?

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When a couple considers having children, it is advisable to start preparing and make a pre-conception visit. In it the doctor will give you certain recommendations, will prescribe a folic acid supplement to the mother and will ask about the medical and family history of each of you, which will be used to detect any risk for the future baby.

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Waiting for those two minutes after peeing with your heart in a fist looking for that hairline that will change your life has become something addictive for some women, who get to get up to 10 pregnancy tests a day. The movement is called "pee-on-a-stick-addicts" or POAS (something like addicts to pee on a stick) and have their own websites, social media accounts and YouTube channels where they record themselves making themselves the tests and sharing the result.

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Women are born with a limited ovarian reserve. That is to say, after birth, new ovules will no longer occur, but on the contrary, as we turn years, the amount of ovules is decreasing. Obviously, this affects our fertility, so when planning when is the best time to be a mother, it is key for women to know their ovarian reserve and make decisions in advance about your motherhood.

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Cryopreservation in assisted reproduction is a technique by which samples of semen, oocytes or embryos frozen in liquid nitrogen can be stored at -196º, without experiencing significant alterations in order to be used successfully in the future. There are many causes that can lead a patient to want to freeze these samples, and many doubts that may arise around this procedure.

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The truth is that I had never considered having a tubal ligation because of the doubt whether or not it was reversible. Also, since I am quite clueless for medication issues, I have never taken a contraceptive pill because I was convinced that I would forget nine times out of 10. That's how I am. When I had my first child I decided to look for a contraceptive method of a certain duration and I opted for the IUD, despite the numerous testimonies of "because I have an acquaintance who became pregnant with him."

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The scientific journal Translational Andrology and Urology has recently published an article written by Dr. Jan Tesarik, director of the MAR & Gen reproductive clinic, in Granada on the fragmentation of sperm DNA and how this can lead to infertility problems in the couple.

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Infertility rates have been increasing in recent years and our way of life, for both men and women, has a lot to do with it. As for men, we know that male fertility can be improved and one of the ways is by eating a healthy diet. Therefore, if you want to be a father, what you eat matters a lot.

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When a couple decides to start a family, it is believed that having a baby is relatively simple. But it's not always like this. Whether due to work, social or infertility problems of either of them, the arrival of the baby is delayed more than desired. Sometimes there are many years in which couples spend large amounts of money and run a career full of obstacles on their way to parenthood.

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That life is created from the union of an egg and a sperm is an indisputable fact. Occasionally, more than one sperm or more than one ovule, leading to multiple pregnancies, but both gametes, male and female, are always involved for the formation of the embryo. However, in the light of scientific studies conducted in recent years, the reproduction of the human being, as we know it today, could be different in a few years.

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The low Japanese birth rates have led a company to develop a sperm count system that can be done from the comfort of your home, simply using the mobile. The invention was designed by Yoshitomo Kobori in collaboration with the University of Illinois, in Chicago, and allows an analysis of quantity and quality of sperm in just a few seconds.

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There were no checks during pregnancy and I didn't know if everything was going well, regular or fatal. I only knew that I was pregnant and that when I had pain I would go to the hospital, and that is what I did when at 26 weeks of pregnancy I began to notice labor pains. The problem is that he was not carrying a baby, but five, who were born very premature and whose survival is in doubt.

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In Spain there is no national registry of donors and therefore the number of them is unknown, what we do know, from the data issued by fertility clinics, is that there is no shortage of donors in our country. Also, unlike other countries in our environment such as England, Finland or Sweden, the identity of the donor is protected by the Assisted Reproduction Act of 1988.

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