What will i feel? The most frequent discomforts in the second trimester of pregnancy

As we mentioned in the previous article, pregnancy is wonderful, but to a greater or lesser extent all pregnant women feel at some point certain discomfort caused by changes in their body.

After knowing the first trimester of pregnancy, we move towards discomfort in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is, they say, and in my case it was, the best stage of pregnancy. Most of the discomforts of the first weeks disappear or at least remit, and those caused by the excessive weight and volume of the belly still do not appear.

However, in the second trimester of pregnancy The woman may also suffer some discomfort, such as sciatica, constipation, hemorrhoids, cramps and palpitations.


From the second trimester it is common for the pregnant woman to suffer from sciatica. Is a severe pain in the lower back which occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed. It is a pain that extends down the back of the thigh and branches behind the knee to the foot. It can appear on only one side in both.

It is caused by the distention of ligaments in the area produced by a hormone secreted in pregnancy called relaxin.

To combat sciatica, the best practice is to exercise, control weight gain, massage and avoid bad postures. When pain appears, place dry heat in the area.


They are involuntary and painful muscle contractions that appear with greater intensity in the legs, especially in calves and feet. They usually appear when you are sleeping or lying down, which is when the venous return is slower.

In this case, it is also the action of the hormones that is the culprit of the cramps, since they affect the circulatory system by softening the walls of the blood vessels and hindering the venous and lymphatic return. The stagnation of fluid in the legs is what causes the annoying cramps.

To prevent them, it is advisable to consume foods rich in potassium (banana, kiwi) and magnesium (green leafy vegetables), moderate exercise, massage and gentle stretching before bedtime.

If the cramps are very intense and frequent, it is best to consult with the doctor, as it can be a symptom of a more serious problem such as venous thrombosis.


Half of the pregnant women suffer constipation at some time during pregnancy. It is a disorder that can appear from the second trimester caused because hormones slow bowel movements. In women who already suffered before pregnancy, the problem may even worsen.

The most effective way to prevent constipation during pregnancy is to drink a lot of water, as well as increase the consumption of fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and exercise regularly.

A natural trick: let several plums and dried apricots soak at night. In the morning drink the liquid and eat the fruit mixed with yogurt.


Associated largely with constipation, hemorrhoids may appear in the second trimester of pregnancy, most likely in the second half.

It is a circulatory disorder caused by dilation of the veins, which added to constipation produces a increased pressure in the rectal vessels, causing hemorrhoids to appear. They can cause itching or pain, in some cases a very intense pain, and sometimes even bleed.

As well as a diet rich in fiber to prevent constipation, when blissful hemorrhoids appear, you can relieve them with cold water sitz baths, do not delay going to the bathroom when you feel like it and clean the area well after going.

Palpitations and tachycardia

Although they can make an appearance from the first quarter, they become more pronounced towards the second quarter. The increase in blood flow causes the heart to work at forced marches, and can cause small alterations in its operation such as palpitations or tachycardia.

Stress also contributes to palpitations, as well as making efforts, with which the remedy is to lead a life as calm as possible. Also exercise, sleep on your side, practice relaxation and breathing techniques.

Heartburn or heartburn

Burning, heartburn or heartburn is a digestive discomfort that is explained by various causes, from the increase in the size of the uterus (which leaves less space to the stomach) to hormonal factors that produce gastric abnormalities.

Many pregnant women suffer and it is quite unpleasant. To prevent it, avoid copious meals (better to eat little several times a day), eat slowly, avoid spicy fried or spicy foods, avoid carbonated drinks, coffee or caffeinated soft drinks and dinner at least two hours before going to bed.